Monday, December 1, 2008

Week Away

I spent my thanksgiving break at my ranch which provided a nice change of setting in with which to assess hole I have been living at Southwestern. The most startling difference I noticed was how much energy my family was unconsciously wasting. Here in Georgetown me and my friends because of our lack of funds we have to remain conscientious of how much energy we consume. With my parents this is just not the case and I don't believe it is because they care any more or less about the environment they simply equate energy with money and are fortunate enough that they aren't nearly as frugal as college students. I believe this is somewhat indicative of the current energy situation in America. I think that there are is a portion of our society which uses an astronomical amount of energy not because they necessarily intend to but appear to simply overlook such waste.


Mayra said...

I can totally relate to what you're saying about parents. When I went home for Thanksgiving, I finally explained to my mom why she should really consider recycling. At first, she seemed really relunctant to accept what I was saying, but she finally agreed to it. Like you said, parents, or people in general, have a way of putting the waste they create in the back of their minds. Being aware is really important, and that's what I tried to do with my mom, is make her aware of the situation.

jessica said...

Dudebra, I feel like you're pretty dead on about that. I know that for me, having to get by in college without the help of my parents is a rough but beneficial realization of how my decisions are quickly turned into bills. I wish all college students were as far below the poverty line as we are so that they can revert their anger of not having money into a learning process of understanding that there are many ways to become more sustainable that require less spending. Maybe then we could see a cultural mindset change within our generation that we desperately need to become a more sustainable society, but sadly I'm pretty sure our hopes for that will have to wait a little longer.