Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sustainability 2

Through this class my definition of sustainability has gone from having a good idea of what sustainability encompases to not even being able to list all the things I know it includes. Everything around us involves sustainability. I never thought about how things from not wasting water to making your own clothes can make people more sustainable. Before beginning this class when i thought about sustainability I just thought about saving water and energy. I never would have thought eating meat could be bad for the environment. I really don't know all that sustainability encompasses and I am aware of that now. I realize now that sustainability takes sacrifice, and cannot be done without thinking about what you are doing. One thing also that I had never thought about was in one of the readings it said the best thing you can do for the environment is stay home. I had thought about like the cost of gas and stuff like that but  i had not taken into consideration some of the other things that going out does to the environment. So all in all I really don't know exactly what sustainability is, but I think by using the knowledge that I do have I can work at being more sustainable. 

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