Monday, November 17, 2008

week two

I hate short showers.


I think it's because showers aren't really just about getting clean. Honestly, how dirty can I be spending all day in class? What showers are really about for me is relaxing. It's a ritual for me to get through classes, finish all my homework, deal with anything else that needs doing, and then go take a shower. It's my signal that I don't have anything else to worry about, at least till tomorrow. It's not about dirt, it's washing off all the stress from the day. All those worries down the drain. So trying to cut down on that time has been hard. Much harder than not eating meat. Partly because of my bath time associations and partly because I don't have some sort of factory farm equivalent for water use to make me turn the faucet off.

That said, I'm down from twenty-ish minutes to ten.

I noticed that I was having trouble with the electricity portion of the assignment because I tend to rely on my television for background noise. So I ended up unplugging the cable connector so I can't use it unless I'm watching a movie. The first day I could barely concentrate on anything. I kept grabbing the remote and turning on the TV without even thinking about it. But it got better. I also started unplugging my microwave. I only use it a few times a week and the clock is always wrong anyway.

I have my junk collection sitting on my desk now. There are little groups of things that work well together forming. I even started one of my junk art...things. I don't really know if I should call this one art. It's mostly just decorative. And pink. I found so much pink ribbon. It's incredible to me that anyone would leave that laying on the ground. It's not even dirty. Anyway, I think I'm aspiring to make it into one of those Things You Hang on Your Porch.

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