Monday, November 24, 2008

Lifestyle Project Week Three

Looking back before I started the lifestyle project I remember being afraid that I wouldn't be able to successfully complete week three of our project, but this past week instead of completing four days of the lifestyle project I accidently completed five. It wasn't till I finished taking an extremely short shower on friday night that I remembered that had already finished my four required days. This made me realize that being sustainability really revolves around changing our bad habits which are usually the result of laziness.
In these past three weeks eating foods that are sustainable to this area wasn't to hard, but since the only fruits that are sustainable to the Austin area in the fall are melons I encountered a slight problem because I'm allergic to melons. So on my sustainable eating days I usually stuck to eating vegetables instead of fruit. Cutting out highly processed foods wasn't to hard, except that I am used to drinking a diet coke almost everyday.
Over the past three weeks I realized that most of the waste I created stemmed from my school work or snacking. Cutting out highly processed foods eliminated most of the waste I created from snacking. And  to cut back on my paper waste I've tried to save the paper and write my grocery lists on them.
Cutting back on my electricity was hard based on how much I multitask. I usually study in my room at night, so I tried to do most of  study during the day when I didn't need to have the  light on. I also stopped watching tv when I was on the the computer. 

1 comment:

Grayson said...

I thinks it's interesting that you noticed that you were conscious of your shower time even though the project had ended. This, I think, was the point of the project. Changing bad habits and feeling good about it is what it's all about. I kind of had the same experience. Instead of reserving a few days that I would be conscious of sustainability, it seemed easier, for me, to jump right in and change my lifestyle. Now, I eat better, live more environmentally friendly and it is incredibly rewarding.