I think that my water consumption has been pretty good. All my showers have been between 5-7 minutes and I have been making sure to not keep my faucet on for too long. I have noticed myself being much more conscious of my water consumption which I think is very good sign. Whenever I turn the water on, I try really hard to go as quickly as possible and use as least water as possible.
One other problem I had this week was transportation. One job that I have is driving this high school girl home from school and to cheer practice twice a week. Her mom lives quite a way down Williams on a ranch and so it takes more gas to drive her than I would typically use. I can't really see a solution for this problem because even if I were to take my bike, I would not be able to give her a ride. However, one way that I do try to save gas is by going on my errands when I am already driving her so that I do not have to make another trip out. Besides my work situation, I only drove one other time to the store to do grocery shopping with my roommate.
1 comment:
I think I might have some advice for you regarding your attempt at being a vegetarian. As far a protein goes I think people (including vegetarians) usually get more protein than they need. I think this is a commonly understood fact among dietitians. There are a lot of non-animal sources to get protein so just try some beans, nuts, rice, tofu, soy milk and stuff like that if you feel you need boost. As for wanting to eat meat when you are trying to quit it sounds like what psychologist call "reactance" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactance_(psychology)"
One thing I have noticed is that the less you eat meat and the less you experience other people eating meat the more repugnant it will become. I can't even walk though certain parts of the grocery store now that my wife has joined me in become a vegetarian because the oders are so repulsive.
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