Thursday, October 30, 2008
That was essentially a long winded rant hopefully pointing at the idea that we cannot continue to separate ourselves from our surroundings. If we take and take from our environment we as beings that are part of that environment will essentially be taking and taking from ourselves. Sustainability to me clearly means in order to live (sustain) we cannot take more than we give or we will eventually take ourselves out of existence.
Tough Question.
"Sustain: v. 1. to keep in existence; maintain or prolong 2. to provide sustenance for 3. to carry the weight of; to support 4. to endure; withstand 5. to comfort or encourage 6. to suffer (an injury, loss, etc.) 7. to uphold the validity of 8. to confirm; corrobate (Webster's New World Dictionary)"
I haven't been in the ecological activist pool for very long, so "sustainability" is actually still kind of a new term for me. In my perspective, as of right now, it just means the fight to keep the environment at a stable point, if not improving it --- and sustaining the balance between what we need to take from the earth and what we need to give back.
Getting back to the definition...not all of those numbers mean the same in correlation to this subject, but I tried to find connections anyways... :)
1. Well, we obviously need to keep what we still have of the many wonderful and precious things in our world in existence...there are far too many times when we take the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the materials we use for granted. 2., 5., 7.,& 8. just like we take from the world, we need to take care of it in return. 3. All this denotes a certain serious responsibility we have to the environment and sustainability is basically owning up to that responsibility. 4. & 6. If we hurt the earth, we hurt ourselves, even if we don't realize it. It's really for everyone's benefit that we make things sustainable, etc. That's just what I can assume from the word.
What is Sustainability
What is Sustainability?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What is Sustainability
When looking at this definition globally, sustainability seems daunting, and in a way it is. The sheer numbers of resources being wasted each day is staggering, an amount no individual can compensate for on his or her own. However, when looking at this issue from a different light, achieving or working towards sustainability is quite manageable. For instance, according to Energy Star, “if every American home replaced just one light bulb with [a fluorescent light bulb], we would save enough energy to light more than 3 million homes for a year, more than $600 million in annual energy costs, and prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of more than 800,000 cars.” In some ways sustainability will take a lot of work, a lot of joining together and a lot of rallying, but at the same time, sustainability can be partially achieved by doing easy, little things like replacing light bulbs, going trayless or taking a shorter shower.
steps in the right direction
Sustainability? What's that?
What is Sustainability?
To be blunt, I come from a wealthy family. For most of my life, I had no idea how wasteful and unnecessary much of my lifestyle was. I took long showers, bought a lot of new things when I could have used what I had, drove my own car everywhere, etc. simply because I didn't know that I shouldn't. I took an environmental science class my junior year of high school and became an "earth-lover" right before the gas prices began to rise so quickly. So first of all, sustainability to me means awareness.
Also, I grew up going to church every Sunday, so I am very religious. And a few years ago, the pastor preached about people being stewards of the earth. I recently heard another sermon about the preciousness of water as well as other gifts of the earth. Whether you are religious or not, people are the ones in charge of the earth. Sustainability also means taking responsibility for the state of the earth, how healthy it is, and whether we're helping it flourish or sucking it dry.
Sustainability involves the different methods we use in order to preserve the environment. These methods include recycling, turning off lights, cutting down on our shower time, carpooling, and other activities that help preserve the environment we too often take for granted. I agree with the notion that we should do much more than we are doing to help preserve our environment, but it is important for us to first focus on the small things we can do to help preserve the world we inhabit. Though we can do a lot of small things to help improve sustainability, we have to understand that these small things can be very difficult for people who aren’t used to being environmentally conscious. I think the biggest challenge advocates of sustainability face is dealing with the fact that people aren’t willing to go outside of their comfort zone to help preserve the environment. This can easily be seen in some students’ inability to be supportive of trayless week in our very own cafeteria. People want to do what is easy and convenient for them, and a lot of times it is hard to prompt people to do what is necessary to help preserve our environment.
What is sustainability?
I used to consider sustainability to only be about meeting the needs of today’s society without sacrificing the needs of future societies. However, I think if you focus on that definition you tend to overlook an important aim of sustainability. Sustainability is about recycling, reusing, and conserving to make sure our natural resources do not run out, but it is also about maintaining the beauty of the earth.
What is Sustainability?
A couple summers ago I saw a show about a family in Britain that decided to try and build a sustainable lifestyle, so they moved to an old farm and began to revamp it to supply all their needs for food, power and water on their own. They diverted a stream with an aqueduct to power a water wheel and generate electricity. They started a food garden and bought livestock. They built a water recycling system. It was very complicated. So I think where I’m going with this is that when i think of it now, I think more of being self sufficient and not wasting anything at all. And usually that self sufficiency is tied to having a farm. It’s not something you can really do all the way in a city.
I think David Orr puts it best when he states, "We cannot know what sustainability means until we have decided what we intend to sustain and how we propose to do so" (Earth in Mind, 141).
This question is perfect because indicating what and how to sustain our environment is where it starts and that seems to be the goal of this course.
What is Sustainability?
Off the Map
What is Sustainability?
What do I know about sustainability though. It is healthy, its about connections, its about life, its about value, it takes work, it takes discussion, it takes success, and failure and it takes us all just a few moments everyday to do something about it. I am really jazzed and excited about the future and the current sustainability movement, as it has some great chances to make lives all around the world, for all types of life forms, better...... and also it is what we can do, we really don't have a choice, we have to find a way to live in, with, around and for all of life on the plant, I refuse to think of another option.